Have You Missed An Episode?

Just in case you've missed out of any of our podcasts, we would love to make it easy for you to find what really interests you! Here's a complete list of the first 24 Episodes of Wellness Women Radio. 

You can find all the episodes ready to download on The Wellness Couch: 


And direct to your portable device on iTunes:




  1. This Dynamic Duo: Meet Your WWR Hosts
  2. Sleep Solutions: Sleep Your Way to Better Health
  3. The Wellness Kitchen 1.0: The Wellness Makeover
  4. The Wellness Kitchen 2.0: The Wellness Makeover
  5. Healthy Homes: Creating a Clean and Green Home
  6. Secret Men’s Business: The Stuff That Affects Guys
  7. That Sugar Episode: Have You Tried to Quit?
  8. Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Life: Understanding Our Microbiome
  9. Healthy Headspace: Mindset Mastery for Women
  10. Travel Health: Top travel health tips to make jet-setting simple
  11. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: What is it and how can you fix it?
  12. Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue: From Burn-out to Brilliant
  13. Women’s Fitness, Ashy Bines, and Michelle Bridges
  14. Thyroid Dysfunction: Don’t Suffer Any Longer
  15. That Meat Episode: Is eating meat bad for your health?
  16. Curing Christmas Chaos with Kindness
  17. The 5 Love Languages Every Woman Needs to Know
  18. Talking Hormones: Solving Female Hormone Imbalances
  19. On the Pulse: Health Predictions and Wellness Trends in 2016
  20. PCOS: Myths, Realities, and Solutions 
  21. That Coffee Episode: The Buzz About Caffeine
  22. Why I don’t own a TV: The Beauty of Living Simply
  23. Hairs and Nails: What They Reveal About Your Health
  24. Menstruation: Myths, Mysteries, & Ancient Rituals



WWR4: The Wellness Kitchen 2.0

The Wellness Makeover Series, Part 2

This week it’s all about stocking up on TWW kitchen essentials, learning about safe storage solutions for foods, and simple tricks for minimising harm from common kitchen equipment and appliances. Get the scoop on items such as Teflon pans and BPA-free bottles, and learn which kitchen items could be disrupting your hormone balance. Find out what’s good, what’s so-so, and what’s great!

WWR3: The Wellness Kitchen 1.0

The Wellness Makeover Series, Part 1

Begin your makeover by creating The Wellness Kitchen. Join The Wellness Women as they run you through a clever Kitchen Audit. Pave the way for health success by starting in the place where many chemicals and nasties are found – your pantry. Discover the hidden ingredients that may be secretly robbing you and your family of abundant health and wellbeing. You will feel lighter, fresher, and may finally achieve a clutter-free pantry after this episode!

WWR2: Sleep Solutions

Sleep your way to better health

How good are you in bed? In this weeks episode, The Wellness Women teach you how to sleep your way to better health and a more productive day. They discuss why weight gain, fatigue, inflammation, poor immune system function, hormone imbalances, depression, and anxiety can all be linked to poor sleep habits. 

If you are skipping or missing out on important sleep hours, then tune in (new mums and shift workers don't miss this!). The girls discuss ways to maximise quality when you can't get the quantity. Discover what your common ‘sleep disruptors’ are, and learn simple solutions to improve your sleep habits and supercharge your health and healing.

Download this episode for FREE !!

Click her for iTunes

Click here for The Wellness Couch 

...and we really need your help - our vision is to share this message around the globe! You can help us help more wonderful women by sharing the episodes you love (why not forward them a link?), or jumping on board Facebook and hitting 'LIKE'. 

If you love what we are doing for women health and wellbeing, then PLEASE GIVE US A 5-STAR RATING ON iTUNES so we can climb up the very crowded jungle-gym of podcast rankings - we want to share such quality info with you, give you so much value for your listening time, that we will earn our place in the top 10 iTunes health podcasts! 

We do it for you, our amazing listeners, because we believe you deserve MORE! More health, wellbeing, love, connection, balance, wealth, and COMPLETE fulfilment.

WWR1: Our VISION & The 6 Pillars of Wellness

Creating Wellness Women

In this episode you will meet your dynamic hosts, Dr. Ashleigh Bond and Dr. Andrea Huddleston. Known as The Wellness Women, these two Australian health professionals will share why they launched this fabulous health and lifestyle podcast for women! 

Discover how the common trap of deciding your health value based on your perception of feeling well versus functioning well may be damaging your wellbeing. Learn the true definition of wellness, and why the word 'wellness' has been abused by media and marketing.

The Wellness Women discuss why the regular Eat Well - Move Well - Think Well lifestyle advice isn't enough, and how The 6 Pillars of Wellness is your path to health success. Getting your life and health on track is guaranteed to be a fun journey with these passionate womens' health experts.


Download this episode FREE on THE WELLNESS COUCH or you can get it HERE on iTunes!

Live and ready to rock the podcast world!

Thank you so much for joining us on this new and exciting journey! WE HAVE GONE LIVE!


Now if you've ever listened to podcasts then you know there is always a groovy intro to give you a feel for what the show is all about. We certainly wanted to get across the groovy bit, but also the real mission behind why we are throwing our voices out into cyberspace. We thought long and hard about an intro that sums up our vision for leading women towards more fulfilled lives - and I can tell you it was tough to consolidate everything we believe in to a single paragraph. 

Ladies, this is for you, so you know what we are all about...

" For the women with big dreams, who dare to be different, and who want to thrive in health, work and play. Dr. Ashleigh Bond and Dr. Andrea Huddleston are the women’s health elite, inspiring you to master true health and create an exceptional life. Stay up to date with designer lifestyle hacks, research news, trending topics, and the hottest health tips."